Project Gemini

After depleting Earth's resources for centuries, humankind's survival requires an exodus to outer space. An international expedition is quickly formed ..
Starring:Egor Koreshkov, Alena Konstantinova, Konstantin Samoukov
Creators:Serik Beyseu
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"Project Gemini" ... After depleting Earth's resources for centuries, humankind's survival requires an exodus to outer space. An international expedition is quickly formed to find a suitable new planet, but when plans go awry, the crew is suddenly stranded without power on a strange planet, where something unimaginable lies in wait..

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Project Gemini

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Project Gemini

Project Gemini

More Details

Release Date
Science Fiction, Horror
Added in
January 25, 2024
Egor Koreshkov Alena Konstantinova Konstantin Samoukov Pyotr Romanov Nikita Dyuvbanov

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